Whether you are returning to the Catholic Church or starting a journey to the Catholic Church, you have come to the right place. We want to provide the help you need to understand the Catholic Church and its teachings. We want you to know that God loves you. Your presence is lovingly welcomed and appreciated within our global Catholic community. We invite you to join us in worship and prayer here at St. Paul of the Cross. Our Catholic Inquiry Course in underway on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm in the Spiritual Center and you are always welcome to call the parish office at 404-696-6704 for any additional information you may need.
Click this link http://www.catholicscomehomeatlanta.org/ to learn about the Georgia state wide campaign to bring Catholics home. For additional information, contact Sherial Cubit at 404-310-8868 or Cheryl Cato at 404-768-9163.
O God of mercy,
As we reach out to those seeking You,
Send the Holy Spirit upon this Archdiocese
To renew us in faith.
Enable us to share the good news of the Gospel
With loving words and caring deeds
So that returning Catholics may be drawn to your Church
And follow the way of your Son, Jesus,
Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
We make our prayer through Jesus our Lord.