Metropolitan of Atlanta
Black Catholic Pastoral Plan
What: Metropolitan of Atlanta, Part 2 of the Black Catholic Pastoral Plan (including the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the Dioceses of Raleigh, Charlotte, Charleston, and Savannah).
Prayer, fellowship, and workshops led by national speakers: Dr. Marcus Cox, Dr. Diana Hayes, Dr. Ken Lewis, and Lyndon Baptiste.
Looking at strategies, solutions, and areas of concern for ministry and evangelization to Black Catholics in the Metropolitan of Atlanta.
When: Sat., April 9, 2016;
Where: St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church, 551 Harwell Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318.
Time: Activity
8:00AM Breakfast
9:00AM Prayer Service
9:30AM Workshops (choose from one of the following)
Black Catholic Theology - Systemic Theology
Systemic Theology with Dr. Diane Hayes.
Systemic theology from a Black Catholic Theology is a systemic
theology that is rooted in the Social Justice Teachings of the
Church and the Liberation tradition of the Christian Community.
We will examine Systemic Theology from a Black perspective and
the call for us to be proactive in that call based on Justice and
Peace for all God’s people.
Afrocentric Liturgy
Liturgy from a Black Catholic perspective with Dr. Kenneth Louis.
The sacred liturgy is the “summit toward which the activity of the
church is directed; and at the same time, it is the fountain from
which all powers flow”. We will direct our energy into that activity
from a Black Catholic perspective that is rooted in the history and
activity of the Black experience that flows directly from the fountain
of the church itself.
Black Catholic History
Black Catholic History with Dr. Marcus Cox.
“Every Black Catholic should know and appreciate the amazing
history of Black Catholics in America. The workshop is designed to
highlight our African roots, discuss our controversial past and
strengthen our religious communities moving forward.”
Youth Track
The youth Workshop with Mr. Lyndon J. Batiste.
Confirm in the Spirit. In this dynamic workshops with Youth Ministers
and National Speaker Lyndon Batiste, Youth will learn in a fun
and engaging way, how to put their Faith in Action!!! Youth will learn
new ways to engage their Catholic Faith, find their unique voice in
the Church as Youth and speak to a diverse and inter-connected
21st century world.
12:noon Lunch
To participate in this event please fill out the form below and indicate which workshop you would like to join.