What is the Parish Religious Education Program?
The Saint Paul of the Cross Religious Education Program provides instruction on God by focusing on God the Father, the life of Jesus Christ, and the power and works of the Holy Spirit. The program promotes the growth and development of the Roman Catholic faith. It provides a life-long formation which begins at age four and continues throughout the life of an adult.
The goal of this program is to teach our Faith, encourage faithfulness to Jesus Christ, aid in developing a personal relationship with Jesus, and foster discipleship of Jesus Christ.
Who should attend the Parish Religious Education Program?
Our program provides instruction for all parishioners age four years old and older. This is a life-long formation program. Children preparing to receive the sacraments are required to attend the program at least one year in advance of reception. (It is not mandatory for children who attend Catholic schools.
Home schooling is an acceptable means of providing Catholic religious education to your child. However, the provider of the education must have attended Basic Catechist Training prior to home schooling).
Why should your child attend?
It is very rare to find a parent who thinks that his/her child should not attend an academic school to prepare for the future. Religious Education is more important than an academic education. The journey of life requires the help of God to be truly successful as a fulfilled individual. It is difficult to seek help from God if your child does not know God. In addition, the children in this program develop life-long friendships with other children with the same morals and Catholic faith.
Why should ADULTS attend?
Throughout life, there will be challenges to overcome. The Adult Education Program teaches adults how to grow in their faith and to share their experiences with others of the Catholic Faith. Its intent is also to gain a greater depth of knowledge of the Sacred Scripture and the teachings of our Church. There is such vastness in our faith that it takes more than a lifetime to learn it in its entirety.
What is the registration policy?
Registration for the year is held during the month of August. Early registration is greatly appreciated because it allows the parish to plan its allocation of resources more effectively. In order to register your child in the Religious Education program, you must be a registered member Saint Paul of the Cross parish. No registration is required for Adult Education.
What is the registration fee?
The purpose of the registration fee is to help defray the cost of textbooks, other resources, supplies, sacramental materials, morning snacks, and students’ gifts.
The fee structure is as follows:
Each Child: $65.00
Adults: No cost
Note: Provisions will be made for those families who are unable to pay or cannot afford the full amount. Payments in installment will be allowed.
What is the Program Structure?
It is highly encouraged that all children begin in the program at age 4. The materials that are covered are used as building blocks for successive years. For example, when a child reaches second grade, it is expected that the child knows his/her basic prayers because they were learned in the first grade. Each year, the amount of the materials covered require the entire Religious Education year. Therefore, only review of the basics is done in subsequent years.
The program is based on the child’s academic year of study unless the child has extenuating circumstances.
What do we teach?
When a child graduates from the Youth Religious Education programs, they should have learned the basics of their faith and know the basic Catholic Prayers.
What activities do we Do?
*Children’s Mass
Every 5th Sunday of the month is set aside for the Children’s Mass. This allows our children to perform the leadership roles of the lay people during Mass. Our children serve as lectors, ushers, ministers of hospitality, cantors, and sing in the Children’s choir.
*Teen Mass
Every 3rd Saturday of the month is set aside for the Teen Ministry Mass. This allows our teens to perform the leadership roles of the lay people during Mass. Our teens serve as lectors, ushers, and ministers of hospitality. Click here for additional details: Teen Ministry.
*Teen Lock-In’s and Offsite Retreats
During the Lenten season, an off-site retreat is held. We went to the Promised Land Retreat Center last year. Approximately thirty teens and six adults attended. A priest and a deacon usually accompany us on these retreats so that Mass and Adoration of the Eucharist can be celebrated. The teens leave on Friday evening and return on Sunday afternoon. Click here for additional information: Teen Ministry.
In addition, an overnight Lock-In is held in the Spiritual Center in the fall. The Lock-In is usually also well attended. It begins Saturday after the Teen Mass and ends Sunday morning at 7:00.
*Service Activities
Participate in the Hunger Walk, Aids Walk, and other community services.
How do we evaluate students?
As part of the Confirmation preparation, the pastor conducts interviews with each candidate to assess their readiness. Each candidate is required to participate in this one-on-one interview. In the event that a child is not prepared, further studies are required, and the child will be reassessed.
During the school year, further evaluations will be done to determine the readiness of our First Communion students.
Ongoing informal evaluations will be performed by the catechists of all students to determine their level of comprehension and participation.
*Class Attendance
The Religious Education program meets a minimum of 30 hours a year. Each absence of a child is recorded in ParishSoft, an archdiocesan central database. If a child has excessive absences, he/she will not receive a certificate indicating completion of that Religious Education year. If the child is preparing for a sacrament, excessive absences may prevent him/her from receiving.
*Mass Attendance
Children participating in the Religious Education program are required to attend either Sunday Mass or Saturday Vigil Mass weekly.
The precept of the Church specifies the law of the Lord more precisely: “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass.” (CCC 2180)
The Sunday Eucharist is the foundation and confirmation of all Christian practice. For this reason the faithful are obliged to participate in the Eucharist on days of obligation, unless excused for a serious reason (for example, illness, the care of infants) or dispensed by their own pastor”. Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin. (CCC 2181)
Who is Teaching your child?
All of our lead teachers have taken some formal courses in catechetical studies. Some of our catechists are certified and others are provisional catechists (i.e. working toward certification). It is the archbishop’s requirement that all catechists seek to become certified.
When should your child arrive and depart?
Religious Education classes begin at Noon via Zoom. If your child did not go to the morning Mass nor Saturday evening Mass, it will be mandatory for your child to attend the 1:00 Mass unless parents have made other arrangements for the child to attend a different Mass.
All children in the grades Pre-K through second grade shall be picked up by a parent or guardian rather than an older sibling.
Please be prompt in drop-off and pick up during in-person instruction.
How can you Help?
There are many opportunities to help. Every parent is requested to volunteer at least two Sundays in the school year. Archdiocesan Volunteer forms must be completed and can be obtained from the parish office or Religious Education Office in the school. These forms must be completed and returned prior to serving. To ensure the safety of our children, background checks will be performed for all volunteers.
Volunteer Opportunities
*Catechist: Provides weekly instruction to the children from August through May. Courses and spiritual activities must be attended throughout the year.
*Catechist Assistant: Provides weekly assistance to the catechist from August through May. Courses and spiritual activities should be attended throughout the year.
*Substitute Catechist: Provides instruction to the children in the event that a teacher is absent. Lesson plans will be provided.
*Hall Monitor: Provides weekly “guardianship” over our children. They are stationed in the halls to monitor the activities of children, including the entering and leaving of the building, bathrooms, and classrooms. They also aid the children in finding their classes.
*Entrance Monitor: Provides weekly “gatekeeping” over the entry into the building. Ensures that the building is secured after classes. Is watchful that young children are escorted out of the building by a parent or guardian.
*RE Helper: Helps distribute the morning snacks and ensure that the building is cleaned up after the children have eaten.
How will disciplinary problems be handled?
We have not yet experienced behavioral problems to the extent that a child has to be dismissed from the program. The following steps will be taken for disciplinary problems:
(1) Class Catechist will instruct the child to correct his/her behavior. If the child continues to be disruptive to the class, the child will be sent to the DRE.
(2) The DRE will advise the child of proper behavior and based on the DRE’s assessment, the child will be sent back to the class or the parents/guardians will be called.
(3) If the child’s behavior continues to be disruptive, the parents/guardians will meet with the DRE and pastor to determine next steps.
(4) If it is determined that the child’s behavior is unsuitable for the program, the parent will be advised to home school the child.
How will you receive communications?
There will be numerous opportunities for general communications from the DRE and catechists to the parents. Various forms will be used depending on the type and audience of the communications.
*Email, Email, Email!
*Parish weekly bulletin
*Memos sent home by the child
*Posted sign in front of the building
Letter From Director of Religious Education
Dear Parents and Guardians: